Schwab Soro

Supported by: Jazzèbre

Raphaël Schwab and Julien Soro have been playing together since they were students at the National Conservatory in Paris (CNSM). Today they both play a key role in Paris-based large ensemble PING MACHINE. In this duo project, they are seeking simple and true conversation through music. MThey both display a very natural way of playing,so that spontaneity is their best way of expression. The short yet finely carved compositions by Raphaël Schwab allow the art of wandering to happen: they drift away, they lose each other, and then catch up again.

Les Rencontres AJC seront de retour les 2, 3 et 4 décembre! 

Retrouvez-nous du lundi 2 au mercredi 4 décembre,

à la Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues

pour une nouvelle édition des Rencontres AJC !

Programme et inscriptions disponibles à ce lien !